In The Studio

  • FREE Digital Puzzle: Harold ALbert III

    I increased the puzzle piece count on this one in honor of my sister-in-law and my nephew who wanted a larger puzzle count with this robot
  • Back Story: Grow Old Along with Me and Exhibit 2021 Title Announced

    When my children were small and my husband and I were in the throes of early parenthood, some days I wondered what I had gotten myself into.  I eve...
  • FREE Digital Puzzle: S.T.O.M.P

    I like the lighting effect I created on this painting but what I really like is the green in the sky as it transitions between the light blue into a darker blue and again as it transitions in deep space with all the mingling starlight.
  • Evaluating 2020 and Planning 2021

    I hope you have great plans for 2021 that make your heart skip a beat or two. Mine sure do.
  • FREE Digital Puzzle: Grow Old Along With Me

    I hope you hum the tune to Grow Old Along With Me as you work on today's FREE Digital Puzzle
  • Exhibit 2021

    My plans include more than doubling my output from the October 2020 exhibit in roughly the same amount of time.
  • Digital Puzzle: Catch

    Today's Free Digital Puzzle is Catch!
  • National Puzzle Day is January 29, 2020

    Today's is my most popular puzzle from my store.  As of this writing, there is only one more signed and number puzzle left.
  • A Mini Market Research Experiment

    They are called puzzles, but in Q4 they were my mini market research experiment.
  • Profit

    It’s amazing what you can learn when you start to lose money.
  • What do Aliens Do?

    And then I asked the question, what if the number of eyes equals the age of the alien? I sketched and sketched ideas in thumbnails. I had lots of thumbnails but only room in the exhibit and time for 3 paintings.
  • Postcard Crafts

    Grab some postcards and spend some time with and/or for the ones you love.