In The Studio

  • God Bless Our Love: Getting the Drawing Right

    The complexity of the eyeball stalks overlapping the rest of the room has meant every time I had to fix a piece of the drawing, I have had to redraw all those eye stalks again.
  • Style

    No two paintings are ever going to be the same
  • Inspired by....a cemetery

    I tried to take pictures from my car of the ancient tombstones as I ate my hamburger, but I knew that I needed to go down into the graveyard and immerse myself in the tombstones and monuments. 
  • The Other Half

    “It’s kind of nice to see how the other half live.”  

    That was one of my aunts. We had probably driven by a mansion or been out  to a fancy restaurant. It could have been all of my aunts.  My grandfather was a dirt farmer.  That is what I’ve heard him called.  He didn’t actually farm dirt, I know. He grew things in dirt.  And he was dirt poor. 

  • Georgia O'Keefe and Original Paintings

    I love Georgia O’Keefe.  I saw an exhibit of hers in New York when I was in High School.  Masterpiece, the board game, had a painting of skulls do...
  • Make Art That Sells (MATS): March 2021 Week 2

    While I am not wowed by the assignment because I don't think it is going to be especially difficult, I am also grateful that it won't take all of my time.
  • Make Art That Sells: Week 1 March Mini

    Use daily affirmations like:

    Making art is really easy for me

    Art flows out of me

    Making art is effortless

  • Framing 9x12 Alien Paintings

    On the first painting, I ended up with bands of color that wrapped around the edge.
  • Color Harmony

    The real test was when I tried to make purple for the girl jumping on her bed. 
  • Making Color Comps in Photoshop

    My brain has been noodling over how I can combine the limiting power of keeping to 3 tubes of paint and the efficient method of working digitally. 
  • Buying Original Art: A Mini Guide

    Original art is special, unique, it is literally one of a kind.  Even a print of the original artwork is not the same.  Color is more vibrant in th...
  • Product Creation: Valentines

    In this Product Creation Blog Post I pull back the curtain and give you a behind the scenes look at how I created Valentines for 2021.